“No man or woman has achieved an effective personality who is not self disciplined. Such discipline must not be an end in itself but must be directed to the development of resolute Christian characters.”
John Bowell.
Of all the tools needed for personal growth, discipline is the most important. Discipline is the art of controlling oneself and putting one’s body under subjection. A man who cannot discipline himself cannot attain the highest level of personal growth.
The scriptures say, “The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” The body of a man is weak and it is susceptible to err. However, when a man learns to put his body under subjection or he practises the art of discipline, such a man will grow rapidly.
What is hampering most people’s growth in life is because they are not disciplined. Many live the way that pleases them. They have no control over their desires and pleasures. Whoever lives this way is simply living a dangerous life.

Yes, living an undisciplined life is a dangerous way of life. It is dangerous because one’s life will be unguarded. More so, discipline is key to attaining remarkable growth in life. So when one is not living a disciplined life, such a person is depreciating, he is not growing.
To round this up, I did like to reiterate the words of John Bowell, “Discipline must not be an end in itself but must be directed to the development of resolute Christian characters.” This is the conclusion of the whole matter. Our discipline should definitely be directed to what will help us grow. This is the only way results can be achieved.
Now, can you tell me your thought on this? Did it add value to you? Is it worth sharing with your friends?
Till I come your way again, Remember To Be The Best Version Of Yourself Always!
I’m Emmanuel Olatunji (EGA), the exceptional being.
Your beloved writer & publisher