“Success demands singleness of purpose” – Vince Lombardi
The story was told of a seventy-six-year old man who wanted to commit suicide. The man was rich and successful, but in an attempt to commit suicide, he fell into an ocean.
There was a young man who recognized this rich man, he saw him when he fell into the ocean and he immediately came to rescue him.
As the young man panted from the heroic effort of rescuing the rich man from the violent waves of the ocean, he shook his head in bewilderment, wondering why the old man wanted to end his life in such a miserable way.
The young man had known the rich and successful man for twenty years. He had always admired the hardworking businessman man for his success. To him, the old rich man was an embodiment of all he wanted to be in life.
So, perplexed by the disparity between his observations of the rich man’s life and the rich man’s desire to die, the young man asked, “But sir, why do you want to die?” I tell you, the answer he received changed his life instantly.
The rich man lamented and replied, “What was it all for? Is this all there is? What did I gain? I have everything and yet nothing. Everyone thinks I am a success, but I am a failure. I have given everything and received nothing.
“Everyone knows what I am, but I still don’t know why I am. For years I have been so driven by the expectations of others that I have not discovered my personal reason for being. I do not wish to live with such emptiness. Today I decided it was better to be dead than to be alive and not know why.”
I believe you will agree with me that there is great wisdom and powerful lessons in the story above. Many people today are like the rich and successful old man; they’re busy making a living without understanding their why on earth.
It is one thing to be making a living and it is another thing to understand the reason behind what is helping you to make a living. One is WHAT you do, the other is WHY you do what you do.

“When you find your WHY, you don’t hit snooze no more! You find a way to make it happen!”
-Eric Thomas
I had a discussion with one of my mentees sometime ago and she asked me if speaking could be her purpose. She asked that question because she had discovered her speaking talent.
I told her bluntly that speaking can’t be her purpose because purpose is not limited to what a person does. Does that shock you? Don’t be. Purpose isn’t about WHAT you do, it’s about the WHY. Hence, I told her that her purpose is the reason behind her speaking talent.
Someone also once asked me if writing is my purpose. I smiled. Writing is not my purpose. Yes, I’m a king when it comes to writing because I have been able to achieve a lot with it. But it is not my purpose. Don’t be surprised when you see me writing less and speaking more soon.
As a matter of fact, I speak as much as I write now. Now, this doesn’t mean I’d quit writing, it only means that what I do per time what helps me fulfill my ultimate purpose.
And that is where most people get it wrong. They confuse purpose with their talent, skill or career. Purpose is absolutely beyond all that; it’s about the reason for your existence on earth. Your skill, talent or even career can help you fulfill your purpose, but don’t confuse any of them with purpose.
This is why many are making a living today, but not fulfilling purpose. Many are being driven by money, position, fame, and the desire to be accepted by others so much that they abandon their God-given purpose.
Like the rich man said, “It is better to be dead than to be alive and not know WHY.” You need to know WHY you are on earth. You need to know why you have that talent you have. You need to understand why you do what you do. It’s your WHY that gives your WHAT meaning and significance.
It will be a fatal lose if you die without fulfilling your full potential and purpose on earth. This year, you’ve got to commit yourself to fulfilling your potentials.
Now, even if you haven’t gained clarity about your life’s calling, unleash your fullest potential. You want to publish books? Publish it. You want to speak? Go ahead. Don’t just sit and be stagnant.
Don’t just make a living, but learn to live a purpose driven life.
As you prepare for massive results in your life? I thought to share this message with you. Let me know if I have been able to add value to your life.
Feel free to share this message with your friends and well wishers too.
I value you.
I’m Emmanuel, the exceptional being.